Membership Information


As a member, you can:

Go on FIELD TRIPS!!!!!!!!

Attend Workshops

Receive our monthly newsletter, The White River Sluice.

(It will have information about the club programs, field trips, and other interesting articles.)


Annual Dues:

Individual: $20

Family: $25


The funds pay for your membership and insurance

through Midwest Federation of Mineralogical & Geological Societies

New Membership


To join, please fill out the Registration Form by clicking the button below.

A new window will open.
Then come back to this page and pay.

Membership Renewal


If your personal information has changed, please update by re-filling out the registration form.

(Otherwise continue down to payment option)

Pay Dues Here

Individual Annual Membership 1 Yr - $20

Family Annual Membership 1 Yr - $25

You can sign up for a Subscription so it automatically renews your membership every year.


You can come back every year and personally renew your membership.

Individual Annual Membership Subscription - $20

(Will charge your acount automatically each year)

Family Annual Membership Subscription - $25

(Will charge your acount automatically each year)